The NIKE YOGA DAY celebrated for the first time in Algeria!

The NIKE YOGA DAY celebrated for the first time in Algeria!

Every year, NIKE celebrates the Yoga Day in the biggest capitals of the world through many events to celebrate this special day.

This year and for the first time in Algeria, the brand NIKE organized its first edition of NIKE Yoga Day on June 21, 2021 in Algiers, an event with a limited number of participants while respecting the barriers.

This event in the open air, around the swimming pool and the garden of the Tennis Academy of Sidi-Fredj gathered about twenty participants of any level coached by the expert Yoga, Souheir Louhala. Thus during more than 1 hour the participants carried out many exercises in a zen and relaxed atmosphere.

NIKE through this event wishes to put forward the category Yoga, this discipline taking more and more importance everywhere in the world as in Algeria.

❕The new Yoga SP21 collection is now available in the three Nike stores of Bab Ezzouar, Garden City in Algiers and Es Senia in Oran.

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